
Paul Wegman Taylor founded paul taylor orCHestra in 2007 together with exceptional young professional musicians and Swiss conservatory students with whom he had realized earlier projects. Already in 1995 in Berne, Paul formed the Mauritius Ensemble to produce classical projects of Haydn, Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky. Proto orCHestra Projects in Zurich were 2005 the Broadway musical “Peter Pan”, and 2006 the children’s opera “Brundibar” by Hans Krasa.
The first orCHestra project as a core string orchestra tour with a cd production «Die Liebenden», (The Lovers), included works of John Adams, Jean Sibelius, and Arnold Schoenberg. Under the direction of Sirkka Varonen, four actors played or recited associated texts and original scenes.
The core & cd ensemble of Alphorn & Nordic Winds
Violin • Daniel Treyer, Laida Alberdi, Karin Mazenauer, Muriel Furchner, Orsolya Sepsi, Antonia Paratore
Viola • Jannai Balikavlayan, Liisa Tamminen, Paolo Matacena
Cello • Campbell Banks, Ioanna Seira, Cordula Aeschbacher, Albert Hartkamp
Double Bass • Melda Umur
Harp • Corinne Kappeler
orCHestra works with a pool of fine musicians
Danilo silva de Oliveira, Johanna Rauscher, Luis Alberto Schneider, Violine
Wu Di, Anton Vilkov, Viola
Kristina Chalmovská, Josep-Oriol Miró Cogul, Cello
Denis Brkič, Sándor Török, Viktor Varga, Irmak Sabuncu, Doublebass
Ivan Denis, Flöte; Federico Forla, Oboe; Claudia Brodbeck, Clarinet;
Federico Loy, Bassoon; Annette Cox, Yui Yuyutake, Kathryn Zevenbergen, Horn;
Jaume Baldó Crespo, Daniel Herrero Herguedas, Trumpet; Antonio Jiménez-Marín, Trombone; Dorottya Marosvári, Piano; David Panzl, Tympani & Percussion, Florian Reichle, Lukas Mantel, World & Jazz Percussion; Valerij Kisseljow, Mandolin;