
paultaylororCHestra plays "DraKOOL" by Daniel Schnyder, live in the Tonhalle
"In the Spirit of Dada" our program for the Zurcher Festwochen, June 2016 included
"DraKOOL" by Daniel Schnyder, here performed 10th of June the Swiss premiere. We had a great time with Daniel in Rehearsal. Thanks to Daniel, and our marvelous orCHestra colleagues!
Drac is really KOOL music, virtuosic, slightly disturbed, dastardly rythmical, painfully beautiful!

Dress Rehearsal "Jota" Manuel de Falla
Laida Alberdi Ugarte, solo violin, paul taylor orCHestra "Latin Strings" June 2017 Tonhalle Zurich

Happy New Year highlights 2017 Latin Strings
Live Concert "Latin Strings"
Zurich Tonhalle 13th June 2017
paultaylororCHestra with Eos Guitar Quartett
opening Scarlatti Concerto Grosso Nr. 1

Concert tonight! plus LP "Alphorn & Nordic Winds"
Jubilee Concert Tonight Tuesday 20th June, Zürich Tonhalle 8 pm
"Alphorn & Nordic Winds"
with Eliana Burki, Karoliina Kantelinen and special guest David Panzl
5 Years "Alphorn & Nordic Winds"
10 Years paul taylor orCHestra
100 years independance Finland
Welcome; tickets available at the door.
EPK Electronic Press Kit by Solo Musica (video)

Latin Strings

Program 2017 - 10 years paul taylor orCHestra!
The concert project «Latin Strings», with EOS Guitar Quartet, the world renowned ensemble, is a marvelous collaboration for paul taylor orCHestra in 2017!
A scintillating program awaits:
orCHestra will flesh out the Latin soul in Italian Baroque nobility of Alessandro Scarlatti, contrast this with passionate "7 Canciones" from Manuel de Falla performed by Laida Alberdi, solo violinist, as well as with Falla‘s fiery dances in „El amor brujo“, in a special quartet arrangement by EOS.
Greatly anticipated is a new work : „Retrato de H.S. a fuego lento“, commissioned by paul taylor orCHestra with EOS Quartet from the remarkable composer-improvisor, Jacques Demierre of Geneva. Our program then culminates in the concerto-hommage „Gismontiana“, for four guitars and string orCHestra, by legendary Cuban guitarist composer, Leo Brouwer.
June 2017 also awaits the exciting return to Brugg and Zürich of two jubilee performances of «Alphorn & Nordic Winds», with our in every sense, breathtaking soloists, Eliana Burki, Alphorn, and Karoliina Kantelinen, vocals. It will be a pleasure to introduce as special guest, multipercussionist David Panzl, of Vienna. The concurrent release of the LP audiofile version of «Alphorn & Nordic Winds: Ethnic» on Solo Musica, marks our celebration:
- 5 years «Alphorn & Nordic Winds»
- 10 years paul taylor orCHestra
- 100 years of Finnish independance
Concert dates in 2017 «Latin Strings» with EOS Guitar Quartet
Sunday, May 14th, 17.00, „Benefactors Concert“
Musikinsel Rheinau, Klosterinsel 12, 8462 Rheinau
Saturday, May 20th , 20.00, Kulturhaus Central, Brauereistrasse 2, 8610 Uster
Sunday, May 21st , 17.00, Kultur Casino, Burgerratsaal, Herrengasse 25, 3011 Bern
Wednesday, May 31st, 19.30, Kurtheater Baden, Parkstrasse 20, 5401 Baden
(Sunday June 11th) Cancelled 8200 Schaffhausen
Tuesday June 13th, 20.00 Tonhalle Zürich, kleiner Saal, Claridenstrasse 7, 8022 Zürich
Concert dates in 2017 «Alphorn & Nordic Winds» mit release of the Vinyl-LP by Solo Musica
Sunday, June 18th, 17.00 Reformierte Stadtkirche Brugg, Kirchplatz, 5200 Brugg
Tuesday, June 20th, 20.00 "Jubiläumskonzert", Tonhalle kleiner Saal, Claridenstrasse 7, 8022 Zürich
We‘ll love playing for and celebrating with you!

Composers and soloists "In the Spirit of Dada"
This new concert program, «In the Spirit of Dada» will be presented within the Festpiele Zurich on June 10th, 2016 in the Tonhalle.
A concept by Paul Wegman Taylor and Sirkka Varonen, «In the Spirit of Dada» was invited by Dr. Elmar Weingarten, Artistic Commissioner for the Zurich Festival.
Performers: String soloists of paul taylor orCHestra and guest instrumentalists winds, brass, percussion and international soloists, directed by Paul Taylor.
Dada was an artistic movement the germination of which took place Winter 1916 in Zurich. The Dada spirit of rebellion in art, continues to inspire countless artists and composers to actions and works of anti-war, anti-art, anti-received notions of artistic expression. (see PRODUCTIONS; In the Spirit of Dada)
Commissioned Composers «In the Spirit of Dada»:
John Wolf Brennan, premier: Dädaleum
Marc Kilchenmann, premier: apeiron piece for tympani and 1-7- groups of instruments
Daniel Schnyder, Swiss premier: draKOOL
Paul Suits, Basel Im Park song for soprano and ensemble
and works by:
Erik Satie, Edgar Varese, John Cage, György Ligeti
Soloists: Anna Florina Herbst, soprano
Jaume Juan Baldo Crespo, trumpet
Dorottya Marosvari, piano
Zürich: June 10th, 2016, 8 pm,Tonhalle Zürich, «kleiner Saal»
Claridenstrasse 7
Rheinau: June 11th, 2016, 8 pm Kaisersaal, Fintan Stiftung, Klosterplatz 1, 8462 Rheinau

Bravi tutti!
June 21st, 2014, Brig.
Our solstice concert in Brig of «Alphorn and Nordic Winds» was an evening of many encores: The marvelous solo artists, musicians, audience conspired together in creating a once-a-year atmosphere.
All facilitated thanks to the wonderful organizers at Zeughaus Kultur Brig, Judith, Edo, Hermann and Martin.
With gratitude.

The Musicians speak about «Alphorn & Nordic Winds»
We are pleased to present behind the scenes interviews with soloists and musicians of orCHestra during a rehearsal break.
Their enthusiasm motivates us for our continuing tour, which we want to share live with listeners throughout the world.